Parent Participation - We Need Your Help!

All parents are encouraged to volunteer in a Sports Program as a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, practice/game helper, or party organizer. If your team already has a Head Coach, please ask him/her what you can do to help the team. Or contact the appropriate Coordinator for details on how to help. Parent Participation allows us to continue to provide sports programs!

Each volunteer must fulfill their Archdiocese obligation by being compliant with the guidelines listed below. Non-compliance means we cannot accept volunteers that we greatly appreciate and need to make our Ascension programs successful.

Parent Volunteers

​Coaches & Assistant Coaches​

  • All Coaches and Assistant Coaches must register online through the TeamSideline system. (no fee to register)
  • Please visit the "Coaches Corner" tab for Coaching requirements

Team Formation

All players are typically placed on the team from the previous year.  All new participants will be placed on teams based on team numbers.  The goal is to balance the player count per team across multiple teams at that gender/age level.  When possible, we use the comment section of the registration form to place individuals on teams in which they might have a friend they want to play with.  Please know we will do our best but this is not a guarantee and a great opportunity for your kids to make new friends.

Refund Policy

Ascension Athletic Association Refund Policy

We understand that you may have to withdraw from a program for a number of reasons, but players withdrawing from a team can impact the team for a season. In addition, the Athletic Association incurs administrative costs with each registration. The following fees will be assessed with any refund request:

Refund Policy

  • Refund requests during the registration period will be granted, less a $10 administrative fee.
  • Refund requests during the late registration period will be granted, less 50% of the original registration fee.
  • No refunds will be granted after registration has closed as Ascension incurs non-refundable fees from CYC. Special circumstances will need to be approved by Sport and Athletic Director

Withdrawal Requests

Withdrawal requests must be submitted to the Sport Director via email. If you have a valid medical reason or relocation related to your request to withdraw, please provide that information when you make your request.

Uniform Policy

Uniforms are the property of Ascension Athletic Association.  Uniform return dates will be issued for each sport upon completion.  Failure to return all uniforms will result in a fine and suspension of the family account.  Children will not be allowed to participate in future sessions until the uniform has been returned or penalty paid.  Multiple offenses may result in suspension from the program.