Become a Volleyball Official

Whether you are a returning official or looking to join our officiating team at Ascension for the upcoming soccer season, please complete the form below to let us know you are intersted!  

Asc volleyball ref registration

If you have questions, you can contact Jen Biswell at


Who Can be an Official?
  • Anyone entering the 7th grade or older this fall is eligible to officiate volleyball.  
  • Positions are First Ref (Up), Second Ref (Down), Scorekeeper, Scoreboard Operator
  • Referee candidates must be affiliated with an Ascension soccer team, the school or Ascension PSR, and must be a parishioner or reside within the parish boundaries 
  • You must pass the test and be approved to officiate.   

Requirements for CYC Minor & Adult Officials

  • Get your SOA number if you don't have one
  • Enroll in CYC Sports Officials Association (SOA) each year
  • Attend a Clinic
  • Pass the Online Test
  • Complete Code of Conduct and W-9 Forms 
    • Adult Officials also need to complete Prevent & Protect

Verify compliance and access all information at the link below.

CYC West county officials